[CAEB] Conference in Bangalore Architecture and Energy - New Strategies for the Building Sector, Bangalore, 2012

Administrative and Operations Building, Niestetal, 2008

Aktiv-Stadthaus Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2015

Aktiv-Stadthaus im Bestand Frankfurt, Frankfurt, 2017

aktivplus Studentenwohnheim Campo V, Stuttgart-Vaihingen, 2019

Cafeteria, Kassel, 2008

Car park, Niestetal, 2008

Community centre and vicarage, Lohfelden, 2007

Conversion of Steel Mill, Oberhausen, 2003

Dachausbau Mehrfamilienwohnhaus, Kassel

Das Haus mobile exhibition pavilion for North America, Atlanta, Houston, Tempe, San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto, Montreal, Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., Chicago, Denver, 2011

Day-Care Center KT33, Frankfurt, 1994

Denkmalgerechte Sanierung der Remise des Palais Bellevue, Kassel, 2023

Dental Surgery, Kassel, 2003

Effizienzhaus Plus Frankfurt Riedberg, Frankfurt, 2015

elobau Werk 2, Leutkirch

Energy Bunker, Wilhelmsburg, 2013

Energy Campus, Holzminden

Exhibit "Smart Energy-Efficient Building Design”, Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, New Delhi, Pune, 2012

Exhibition centre extension, Essen, 2001

Experimental Solar Housing at the International Horticultural Show, Stuttgart, 1993

Fassadensanierung Hochhaus C10 Gießen, Gießen, 2025

Feuerwehrgerätehaus, Alzey

Fraunhofer-Institut IEE, Kassel

Further Education Center, Hamm, 1995

Further Education Center Mont-Cenis, Herne, 1999

Gartenbetriebshof, Kassel

Hessen Campus Vocational training Center, Wolfhagen, 2009

Hybrid.M Busbetriebshof und Mantelbebauung, München-Moosach

Industrie-​ und Gewerbepark RTunlimited, Reutlingen, 2021

International E2 Ecological and Economical Wood Construction Competition, Kouvola

La Casa Alemana mobile exhibition pavilion for Latin America, Asunción, Bogotá, Buenos Aires, Caracas, Guatemala City, Mexico City, Lima, Montevideo, Quito, San José, Sao Paulo, Santa Cruz, Santiago de Chile, 2010

Local service centre, Eschborn, 2009

Lorry and Truck Terminal, Lohfelden, 2009

Master Planning Forschungszentrum Jülich, Jülich, 2013

Master Planning Solwo Königspark, Königs-Wusterhausen

Masterplan Henschel Werk II Rothenditmold, Kassel, 2021

Masterplan Municipal Museums, Kassel, 2008

Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, 2009

Mobile Plus-Energy-Home Pavilion, Berlin, Dortmund, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Hannover, Munich, 2009

Motorway Chapel, Lohfelden, 2009

Multifunktionsgebäude R36, Neckarsulm, Heilbronn, 2021

Multy-Family Passive House M, Kassel, 2000

Museum Giant of Glass, Oberhausen, 2002

Musik- und Kunstschule, Monheim am Rhein

Neubau Berliner Schule Korbach, Korbach, 2022

Neubau Kreisarchiv, Viersen, 2021

Neubau Labor- und Verwaltungsgebäude HeidelbergCement, Leimen

NeubauBürogebäude Hafencity, Hamburg, 2022

Office and Administrative Building, Kassel, 2012

Office and Factory Building Leutkirch, Leutkirch, 2012

Office building P, Kassel, 1997

Office building S, Kassel, 1997

Orgelprospekt Heilig Geist Kirche, Hanau, 2021

Park Life Urban Villa, Kassel, 2010

Passive House Office Building, Kassel, 1996

Pedestrian Bridge, Bochum, 1999

Philharmonics Nicolaisaal, Potsdam, 2000

Pit gas Co-generation Station with Battery Storage, Herne, 1999

Production Module, Niestetal

Renovation of a listed building - Fashion Store, Kassel, 2009

Renovation of a listed building – the Palais Bellevue, Kassel, 2011

Revitalization and Extention of City Hall, Kassel, 1995

Revitalization of Pedestrian Precinct, Melsungen, 1997

Schule am Heideweg, Kassel, 2022

Shopping Mall Königsgalerie, Kassel, 1995

Skin Research Center, Hamburg, 2004

Social Housing Unterneustadt, Kassel, 2000

Solar Academy, Niestetal, 2010

Solar canopy, Niestetal, 2004

Solar Factory 1, Kassel, 2009

Start-up centre for ecological enterprises, Hamm, 1998

Tram-Stop Shelter and Kiosk, Kassel, 2004

Tropical Hall, Leipzig, 2006

Urban Redevelopment of Wuppertal City Center and Central Station, Wuppertal, 2000

Wilhelminaberg, Landgraaf, 2016

Wohnbebauung Steimker Gärten, Wolfsburg

Wohnen am Rheingau-Palais Wiesbaden, Wiesbaden

Wohnen in der Bunsenstraße -„Kasseler Modell", Kassel, 2016