It is our standard practice to work together with colleagues, engineers and associations

We work closely together with partners in various countries, both architects and engineers. They take the form of long-term partnerships for projects at home and abroad.

We are particularly closely involved with:

HHS Baumanagement GmbH, Kassel

HHS Baumanagement GmbH is a spin-off of EUROLABORS AG and HHS Planer + Architekten AG. It is specialised in the following work stages:

- Tender documentation
- Tender action
- Mobilisation
- Construction to practical completion
- After practical completion

Since 2016 HHS Baumanagement GmbH is working in these phases for EUROLABORS AG, HHS Planer + Architekten AG as well as other clients and architects.


EUROLABORS AG is a spin-off of HHS. It is specialised in consultancy, planning and construction management for research and laboratory buildings.

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Membership of the following associations:

AKH - Architekten- und Stadtplanerkammer Hessen

AktivPlus e.V.

BDA - Bund Deutscher Architekten

BIPV - Allianz Bauwerkintegrierte Photovoltaik e.V.


DASL - Deutsche Akademie für Städtebau und Landesplanung

DGNB e.V. - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen

Friends´Association of the Federal Foundation of Baukultur

UIA - International Union of Architects

World Economic Forum

deENet e.V. - Kompetenznetzwerk Dezentrale Energietechnologien e. V.

ccc – cassel creative competence ev

KAZ - Kasseler Architekturzentrum im Kulturbahnhof